## ## $Id$ ## ## Copyright (C) 2009 The Tor Project, Inc. ## See LICENSE file for terms; may be used according ## Vidalia or Tor license constraints. (dual license) ## ## wixtool source files set(wixtool_SRCS wixtool.cpp ) ## Create the wixtool executable add_executable(wixtool ${wixtool_SRCS}) ## Link the executable with the appropriate Qt libraries target_link_libraries(wixtool ${QT_QTCORE_LIBRARY} ${QT_QTXML_LIBRARY} ) ## Remember location so we can use it in custom commands get_target_property(WIXTOOL_EXECUTABLE wixtool LOCATION) set(VIDALIA_WIXTOOL_EXECUTABLE ${WIXTOOL_EXECUTABLE} CACHE STRING "Location of Vidalia's wixtool program." FORCE)