Building Vidalia with KDE Marble Support ---------------------------------------- Vidalia recently added experimental support for replacing the existing 2D network map widget with the KDE Marble 3D globe widget. It is currently a compile-time option and is disabled by default. The following steps build Vidalia with the Marble widget. 1. Download the patched version of Marble. svn co marble Hopefully these patches will soon be merged into Marble's trunk. For now, we still have to build with the Vidalia-specific patched Marble. 2. Build the patched Marble. OS X: cd ~/marble mkdir build && cd build cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=. -DQTONLY=1 .. make && make install If you are building a Universal binary, you will need to make the following changes to ~/marble/CMakeLists.txt before building Marble: - #SET( CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES ppc;i386 ) #Comment out if not universal binary - SET( CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES i386 ) #Comment out if universal binary + SET( CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES ppc;i386 ) #Comment out if not universal binary + #SET( CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES i386 ) #Comment out if universal binary Everywhere else: cd marble mkdir build && cd build cmake -DQTONLY=1 .. make && make install 3. Configure Vidalia with Marble support. cd vidalia (or wherever your Vidalia source tree lives) mkdir build && cd build cmake -DUSE_MARBLE=1 \ -DMARBLE_INCLUDE_DIR=~/marble/src/lib \ -DMARBLE_DATA_DIR=~/marble/data \ -DMARBLE_LIBRARY_DIR=~/marble/build/src/lib \ -DMARBLE_PLUGIN_DIR=~/marble/build/src/plugins .. You will need to adjust each of the paths above according to where you checked out and installed Marble in Steps 1 and 2. 4. Build Vidalia See the INSTALL file included with Vidalia for details.