$Id$ Building a Windows Vidalia Installer 0. Introduction This document describes the procedure for building an executable Windows installer for Vidalia. For information on building a Windows bundle installer, please see Vidalia's pkg/win32/build-bundle.txt. Before building the Vidalia installer for the first time, you will need to download and install a recent version of NSIS (Nullsoft Scriptable Install System). NSIS can be downloaded from the following website: http://nsis.sourceforge.net/Download You will also need all of the prerequisites necessary for building Vidalia, such as Qt and CMake. These requirements are detailed in the INSTALL file, in the root of Vidalia's source tree. To sign the resulting installer suitable for distribution, you will need to install GnuPG or PGP. GnuPG can be downloaded here: http://www.gnupg.org/download/index.html 1. Compiling the Installer The following steps describe the process used to create Vidalia's "release" executable installers. 1.1. Compile a 'release' Version of Vidalia First, extract Vidalia's source to a directory, or fetch the latest revision from our Subversion repository. http://trac.vidalia-project.net/wiki/GettingTheCode In the root of Vidalia's source tree, create a build directory: mkdir build cd build Configure Vidalia as follows: cmake -G "MinGW Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=minsizerel .. Finally, compile Vidalia by running: make 1.2. Collect Required Dependencies Create a "bin" directory by running the following command from your build directory: mkdir bin Copy the following Qt .dll files from your Qt installation into your "bin" directory: copy $QTDIR\QtCore4.dll bin\ copy $QTDIR\QtGui4.dll bin\ copy $QTDIR\QtNetwork4.dll bin\ copy $QTDIR\QtXml4.dll bin\ where "$QTDIR" is the path to your Qt installation. Copy the MinGW .dll file into your "bin" directory: copy $MINGWDIR\bin\mingwm10.dll bin\ where "$MINGWDIR" is the path to your MinGW installation. Copy the OpenSSL .dll file into your "bin" directory: copy $OPENSSLDIR\bin\ssleay32.dll bin\ where "$OPENSSLDIR" is the path to your OpenSSL installation. Copy the Vidalia executable into your "bin" directory: copy src\vidalia\vidalia.exe bin\ 1.3. Create the Executable Installer Open Windows Explorer and navigate to $BUILDIR\pkg\win32 where "$BUILDIR" is replaced by the path to the build directory you created in Step 1.1.2 above. Locate the file "vidalia.nsi" and right-click on it. From the context menu, select "Compile NSIS Script". You will see an NSIS window appear and display some progress information while it compiles the installer. When it completes, you will have a complete Vidalia installation executable located in: $BUILDIR\pkg\win32\vidalia-$VERSION.exe where "$VERSION" is the version of Vidalia for which the installer was built. 1.4. Sign the Package (optional, recommended) From the root of Vidalia's source tree, run the following commands: cd pkg\win32 gpg -ba vidalia-$VERSION.exe where "$VERSION" is replaced by the version of Vidalia for which you just built a Windows installer.