## ## $Id$ ## ## This file is part of Vidalia, and is subject to the license terms in the ## LICENSE file, found in the top level directory of this distribution. If ## you did not receive the LICENSE file with this file, you may obtain it ## from the Vidalia source package distributed by the Vidalia Project at ## http://www.vidalia-project.net/. No part of Vidalia, including this file, ## may be copied, modified, propagated, or distributed except according to ## the terms described in the LICENSE file. ## ## Vidalia translation files set(vidalia_TS vidalia_ar.ts vidalia_bg.ts vidalia_cs.ts vidalia_de.ts vidalia_en.ts vidalia_es.ts vidalia_fa.ts vidalia_fi.ts vidalia_fr.ts vidalia_he.ts vidalia_hu.ts vidalia_it.ts vidalia_nb.ts vidalia_nl.ts vidalia_pl.ts vidalia_pt.ts vidalia_ru.ts vidalia_sq.ts vidalia_sv.ts vidalia_zh-cn.ts vidalia_zh-tw.ts ) qt4_add_translations(vidalia_QMS ${vidalia_TS}) ## Gather a list of all the files that might contain translated strings FILE(GLOB_RECURSE translate_SRCS ${Vidalia_SOURCE_DIR}/src/*.cpp) FILE(GLOB_RECURSE translate_HDRS ${Vidalia_SOURCE_DIR}/src/*.h) FILE(GLOB_RECURSE translate_UIS ${Vidalia_SOURCE_DIR}/src/*.ui) set(translate_SRCS ${translate_SRCS} ${translate_HDRS} ${translate_UIS}) ## Create a target that runs lupdate for all the source and UI files add_custom_target(lupdate COMMAND ${QT_LUPDATE_EXECUTABLE} -noobsolete ${translate_SRCS} -ts ${vidalia_TS} ) ## Create a target that runs lrelease for all the .ts files add_custom_target(translations ALL DEPENDS ${vidalia_QMS})