# Copyright (c) 2006, Alexander Neundorf, # # Redistribution and use is allowed according to the terms of the BSD license. # For details see the accompanying COPYING-CMAKE-SCRIPTS file. # the kde4 branch if (KDE4_HEADER) EXECUTE_PROCESS(COMMAND ${KDE_UIC_EXECUTABLE} ${KDE_UIC_FILE} OUTPUT_VARIABLE _uic_CONTENTS ERROR_QUIET ) set(KDE_UIC_CPP_FILE ${KDE_UIC_H_FILE}) endif (KDE4_HEADER) FILE(WRITE ${KDE_UIC_CPP_FILE} "${_uic_CONTENTS}\n") #replace tr218n("") with QString::null to avoid warning from KLocale STRING(REGEX REPLACE "tr2i18n\\(\"\"\\)" "QString::null" _uic_CONTENTS "${_uic_CONTENTS}" ) STRING(REGEX REPLACE "tr2i18n\\(\"\", \"\"\\)" "QString::null" _uic_CONTENTS "${_uic_CONTENTS}" ) #replace image15_data with img15_filename to make enable_final work STRING(REGEX REPLACE "image([0-9]+)_data" "img\\1_${KDE_UIC_BASENAME}" _uic_CONTENTS "${_uic_CONTENTS}") #fixup include guard STRING(REGEX REPLACE "#ifndef " "#ifndef UI_" _uic_CONTENTS "${_uic_CONTENTS}") STRING(REGEX REPLACE "#define " "#define UI_" _uic_CONTENTS "${_uic_CONTENTS}") FILE(WRITE ${KDE_UIC_CPP_FILE} "#include \n#include \n\n${_uic_CONTENTS}\n")